Category: Publications


Populism à la Carte: Modi on Twitter

How and where is democracy “hacked”? By examining the political rhetoric of Narendra Modi on the digital platform Twitter, this article shows that populist communication is tailored to a particular audience profile rather than a particular social media.


The Abstentionist Trap

In a paradoxical turn of events, the brutal invasion of the democratic state of Ukraine by Russia has, despite its many international condemnations, fostered a certain convergence of views in India between the government, opposition, and various sections of the intelligentsia.


Guru ki Baat

What constitutes a convincing expressions of political connect, relatedness and commonness? Exploring Narendra Modi’s Mann ki baats, we suggest that part of the answer lays in the overlapping lexical and stylistic realm of Modi and another set of audience-pullers: spiritual gurus.


The Pandemics also Diagnoses India’s Populist Turn

The management of the coronavirus spread is not only a global rupture, it also signals the consolidation of the personalistic and intimate rapport between Modi and the people, which routinizes direct populist appeals through disfiguring democratic institutions.


How Campuses Mediate a Nationwide Upsurge Against India’s Communalization

Across India, an unprecedented student-led opposition has materialized, in particular in the aftermath of the violent police storming of two Muslim-dominated state-funded universities. We are questioning the relevance of campus spaces in leading…