Category: Youth Politics


How Campuses Mediate a Nationwide Upsurge Against India’s Communalization

Across India, an unprecedented student-led opposition has materialized, in particular in the aftermath of the violent police storming of two Muslim-dominated state-funded universities. We are questioning the relevance of campus spaces in leading…


The Spillovers of Competition

Departing from essentialist approaches to student politics, this article outlines the processes by which campus spaces activate the formation of political attitudes among participants. I suggest that everyday political competition among student organizations…


Public Meeting on Tracing 50 Years of Feminism at Jawaharlal Nehru University

This event organised in Jawaharlal Nehru University campus recounts the engagement of JNU students with gender and feminist issues since the inception of the university. The list of speakers is as follows…


MoC @IEG: {Workshop} Youth Politics and Projects of Self-Making in the Global South

This workshop is co-organised by ICAS:MP and the Centre de Sciences Humaines. Taking place at the Institute of Economic Growth, it will give the opportunity to participants to visit the exhibition Memories of Change…