Ce que l’Inde nous dit du monde
<< This syllabus was prepared for the graduate students of the University of Lille (Roubaix campus) for the academic year 2023-24. The course outline is archived on Academia.edu. |
Chargé de cours : Jean-Thomas Martelli
Email : jeanthomas.martelli@sciencespo.fr
Salle : 313, LEA, 651 Av. des Nations Unies, 59100 Roubaix, Université de Lille
Horaire : les lundis (les semaines jaunes) de 14h à 16h
Ce cours se propose d’appréhender huit grands enjeux politiques contemporains par le prisme de la plus grande démocratie du monde. L’Inde est une puissance émergente qui façonne l’ordre international à toutes les échelles : culturelles, démographiques, diplomatiques, militaires et technologiques. Par l’essor économique de sa classe moyenne urbaine, c’est également le « bureau du monde », le foyer de diasporas influentes et le carrefour des enjeux d’influence dans la région Indo-Pacifique où la Chine joue un rôle de premier plan. C’est ensuite un laboratoire politique qui nous permet de revisiter notre compréhension de grandes notions qui constituent notre quotidien : citoyenneté, sécularisme, représentation de groupe, redistribution, aménagement du territoire, politiques agricoles, populisme, genre, éducation, santé, famille. C’est enfin le carrefour d’un ordre postcolonial multilingue, fédéral, multiconfessionnel et farouchement électoraliste qui nous contraint à reconsidérer ce que l’on entend par société civile, gouvernance, autoritarisme et ethno-nationalisme. Ainsi, ce cours n’ambitionne pas uniquement de qualifier les épithètes de la démocratie indienne à des échelles globales, nationales et locales ; il se propose de décentrer notre vision du monde en adoptant le point de vue de cette « nouvelle » Inde.
Source : Pinney, Christopher. 2011. “The Tiger’s Nature, but Not the Tiger: Bal Gangadhar Tilak as Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi’s Counter-Guru.” Public Culture 23(2):395–416. doi: 10.1215/08992363-1161967.
Note de l’auteur : [anglais] Paradoxes of nonviolence: Photographic montage of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi embodying figures of political potency, including Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Bhagat Singh, and Adolf Hitler. Circa mid-1940s, central India. Private collection.
Comprendre comment différentes institutions, acteurs et processus politiques façonnent la politique indienne ;
- Faire sens de la tension entre partisans d’une démocratie autoritaire en Asie du Sud et ses détracteurs ;
- Évaluer de manière critique l’utilisation de méthodes d’enquête ethnographiques et quantitatives ;
- Saisir la nature multiforme de la représentation politique en Asie du Sud.
Modalités d’évaluation
- Une présentation à l’oral (35%)
- Un essai de 4 000 mots (50%)
- Annotation d’une lecture par cours et participation (15%)
ℹ️ L’intégralité des lectures proposées sont accessibles à l’adresse suivante : https://www.dropbox.com/sh/kpcwmu7xdo24lv4/AACGthFyhao_ZffCoC1GHkBDa?dl=0 (elles sont catégorisées par auteur, ces derniers sont rangés en ordre alphabétique…lorsqu’il s’agit d’une contribution dans un ouvrage collectif, le document se trouve dans un dossier au nom des directeurs d’ouvrage)
ℹ️ Voici le lien pour rejoindre le groupe d’annotation du cours : https://hypothes.is/groups/Q1BD8BNp/cours-inde
1. Présentation du cours
Date : 19/02/2024
Présentation(s) : NA
2. Ce que l’Inde nous dit de la démocratie (sous-thème : caste et représentation politique)
Date : 11/03/2024
Présentation(s) : NA
Auerbach, Adam Michael, Jennifer Bussell, Simon Chauchard, Francesca R. Jensenius, Gareth Nellis, Mark Schneider, Neelanjan Sircar, Pavithra Suryanarayan, Tariq Thachil, Milan Vaishnav, Rahul Verma, and Adam Ziegfeld. 2022. “Rethinking the Study of Electoral Politics in the Developing World: Reflections on the Indian Case.” Perspectives on Politics 20(1):250–64. doi: 10.1017/S1537592721000062.
Amin, Shahid. 1984. “Gandhi as Mahatma: Gorakhpur District, Eastern UP, 1921-22.” Pp. 1–61 in Subaltern Studies: Writings on South Asian History and Society, edited by R. Guha. Delhi: Oxford University Press.
Morris-Jones, Wyndraeth H. 1963. “India’s Political Idioms.” Pp. 133–54 in Politics and Society in India, edited by C. H. Philips. London: Allen and Unwin.
Jaffrelot, Christophe. 2008. “Why Should We Vote? The Indian Middle Class and the Functioning of the World’s Largest Democracy.” Pp. 35–54 in Patterns of middle class consumption in India and China, edited by P. Van der Veer and C. Jaffrelot. London: Sage.
Chhibber, Pradeep, and Rahul Verma. 2019. “The Rise of the Second Dominant Party System in India: BJP’s New Social Coalition in 2019.” Studies in Indian Politics 7(2):131–48. doi: 10.1177/2321023019874628.
Kitschelt, Herbert, and Steven Wilkinson, eds. 2007. “Citizens-Politician Linkages: An Introduction.” Pp. 1–49 in Patrons, clients, and policies: patterns of democratic accountability and political competition. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Or: Chandra, Kanchan. 2015. “Democratic Dynasties: State, Party, and Family in Contemporary Indian Politics.” Pp. 12–55 in Democratic Dynasties, edited by K. Chandra. Cambridge University Press.
Gupta, Dipankar. 2005. “Caste and Politics: Identity Over System.” Annual Review of Anthropology 34(1):409–27. doi: 10.1146/annurev.anthro.34.081804.120649.
Chauchard, Simon. 2017. “Theory: The Impact of Descriptive Representation.” Pp. 99–144 in Why Representation Matters: The Meaning of Ethnic Quotas in Rural India. Cambridge University Press.
Jodhka, Surinder. 2016. “Ascriptive Hierarchies: Caste and Its Reproduction in Contemporary India.” Current Sociology 64(2):228–43.
Jeffrey, Craig, Patricia Jeffery, and Roger Jeffery. 2008. “Dalit Revolution? New Politicians in Uttar Pradesh, India.” The Journal of Asian Studies 67(04):1365. doi: 10.1017/S0021911808001812.
Michelutti, Lucia. 2007. “The Vernacularization of Democracy: Political Participation and Popular Politics in North India.” Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 13(3):639–56. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9655.2007.00448.x.
Badri Narayan. 2009. “Creating Popular Politics.” Pp. 80–101 in Fascinating Hindutva: Saffron Politics and Dalit Mobilisation. Los Angeles: SAGE.
Figueira, Dorothy Matilda. 2002. “Loose Can[n]ons.” Pp.64-88 in Aryans, Jews, Brahmins: Theorizing Authority through Myths of Identity. Albany: State University of New York Press.
Gopal Jayal, Niraja. 2016. “Contending Representative Claims in Indian Democracy.” India Review 15(2):172–95. doi: 10.1080/14736489.2016.1165556.
Heller, Patrick. 2022. “Democracy in the Global South.” Annual Review of Sociology 48(1):463–84. doi: 10.1146/annurev-soc-030320-123449.
Lee, Joel. 2023. “Afterword: Questions for the Study of Muslim Castes and Anti-Caste Islam.” Contemporary South Asia 31(3):498–503. doi: 10.1080/09584935.2023.2240714.
3. Ce que l’Inde nous dit de l’état (sous-thème : fédéralisme et Etat providence)
Date : 25/03/2024
Présentation(s) : Milena Bulgari
De, Rohit. 2018. “Introduction.” Pp. 1–31 in A people’s constitution: the everyday life of law in the Indian republic, Histories of economic life. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. Or: Tawa Lama-Rewal, Stéphanie. 2016. “Political Representation in India: Enlarging the Perspective.” India Review 15(2):163–71. doi: 10.1080/14736489.2016.1165552.
Aiyar, Yamini, and Louise Tillin. 2020. “‘One Nation,’ BJP, and the Future of Indian Federalism.” India Review 19(2):117–35. doi: 10.1080/14736489.2020.1744994.
Sinha, Aseema. 2015. “Scaling Up: Beyond the Subnational Comparative Method for India.” Studies in Indian Politics 3(1):128–33. doi: 10.1177/2321023015575225.
van Schendel, Willem, and Erik de Maaker. 2014. “Asian Borderlands: Introducing Their Permeability, Strategic Uses and Meanings.” Journal of Borderlands Studies 29(1):3–9. doi: 10.1080/08865655.2014.892689.
Chandhoke, Neera. 2003. “The Ambiguities of Civil Society.” Pp. 1–34 in The Conceits of Civil Society. New Delhi; New York: Oxford University Press.
Kaviraj, Sudipta. 2005. “On the Enchantment of the State: Indian Thought on the Role of the State in the Narrative of Modernity.” European Journal of Sociology 46(2):263–96. doi: 10.1017/S0003975605000093.
Gupta, Akhil. 2012. “Let the Train Run on Paper: Bureaucratic Writing as State Practice.” Pp. 141–91 in Red Tape: Bureaucracy, Structural Violence, and Poverty in India. Durham: Duke University Press.
Deshpande, Rajeshwari, Louise Tillin, and K. K. Kailash. 2019. “The BJP’s Welfare Schemes: Did They Make a Difference in the 2019 Elections?” Studies in Indian Politics 7(2):219–33. doi: 10.1177/2321023019874911.
Auerbach, Adam Michael. 2019. “Chapter 6. Party Workers and Public Goods Provision. Evidence from 111 Settlements.” Pp. 169–205 in Demanding Development: The Politics of Public Goods Provision in India’s Urban Slums. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Bayly, C. A. 1975. “Conclusion.” Pp. 271-285 in The Local Roots of Indian Politics: Allahabad, 1880-1920. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Sridharan, Eswaran. 2018. “Coalition Congruence in India’s Federal System.” Pp. 77–112 in Albala, Adrian ed. Coalition Politics and Federalism. 1st edition. New York, NY: Springer.
Khosla, Madhav, and Milan Vaishnav. 2021. “The Three Faces of the Indian State.” Journal of Democracy 32(1):111–25. doi: 10.1353/jod.2021.0004. In the binder “Is India Still a Democacy?” by Maya Tudor, Tripurdaman Singh, Sumit Ganguly, Rahul Verma, Vineeta Yadav, Ashutosh Varshney, Madhav Khosla and Milan Vaishnav.
Kruks-Wisner, Gabrielle. 2018. “Introduction and Theory.” Pp.1-53 in Claiming the State: Active Citizenship and Social Welfare in Rural India. Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
Rajshekhar, M. 2020. “The Absent State.” Pp.133-165 in Despite the State: Why India Lets Its People down and How They Cope. Chennai: Context, an imprint of Westland Publications Private Limited.
Routray, Sanjeev. 2022. “Introduction: Numerical Citizenship Struggles in Contemporary Delhi.” Pp. 1-48 in The Right to Be Counted: The Urban Poor and the Politics of Resettlement in Delhi. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
Sen, Ronojoy. 2022. “Corruption, Criminality and Immunity.” Pp. 215-275 in House of the People: Parliament and the Making of Indian Democracy. Cambridge ; New York: Cambridge University Press.
Swenden, Wilfried, Rekha Saxena, and Chanchal Kumar Sharma. 2022. “Understanding Multilevel Dynamics in India: Constituent Power and Multilevel Governance.” Territory, Politics, Governance 10(1):1–11. doi: 10.1080/21622671.2021.1972830.
Tillin, Louise. 2021. “Building a National Economy: Origins of Centralized Federalism in India.” Publius: The Journal of Federalism 51(2):161–85. doi: 10.1093/publius/pjaa039.
4. Ce que l’Inde nous dit du nationalisme (sous-thème : démocratie ethnique)
Date : 08/04/2024
Présentations : Marie-Louange Massamba et Safey Dowidar
Nandy, Ashis. 1995. “An Anti-Secularist Manifesto.” India International Centre Quarterly 22(1):35–64.
Chakrabarty, Dipesh. 2001. “Clothing the Political Man: A Reading of the Use of Khadi/White in Indian Public Life.” Postcolonial Studies 4(1):27–38. doi: 10.1080/13688790120046852.
Chatterjee, Partha. 2004. “Chapter 2. Populations and Political Society.” Pp. 27–53 in The politics of the governed: reflections on popular politics in most of the world, Leonard Hastings Schoff memorial lectures. New York: Columbia University Press.
Hansen, Thomas Blom. 2018. “Whose Public, Whose Authority? Reflections on the Moral Force of Violence.” Modern Asian Studies 52(3):1076–87. doi: 10.1017/S0026749X17000282.
Pradhan, Rajesh. 2014. “The Re-Emergence and Splintering of Religious Nationalism: Sadhus in the Ramjanmabhoomi Conflict and Later.” Pp. 115–56 in “When the saints go marching in”: the curious ambivalence of religious sadhus in recent politics in India. New Delhi: Orient Blackswan.
Sircar, Neelanjan. 2022. “Religion-as-Ethnicity and the Emerging Hindu Vote in India.” Studies in Indian Politics 10(1):79–92. doi: 10.1177/23210230221082824.
Dhulipala, Venkat. 2011. “A Nation State Insufficiently Imagined? Debating Pakistan in Late Colonial North India.” The Indian Economic & Social History Review 48(3):377–405.
Brass, Paul R. 1997. “Chapter 3 Theft of an Idol.” Pp. 58–96 in Theft of an Idol: Text and Context in the Representation of Collective Violence. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Brosius, Christiane. 2005. “Hindutva’s Media Phantasmagorias.” Pp. 95–131 in Empowering visions: the politics of representation in Hindu nationalism, Anthem South Asian studies. London: Anthem.
Jaffrelot, Christophe, ed. 2009. “Chapter 6. Vinayak Damodar Savarkar.” Pp. 85–96 in Hindu Nationalism. Princeton University Press.
Laborde, Cécile. 2021. “Minimal Secularism: Lessons for, and from, India.” American Political Science Review 115(1):1–13. doi: 10.1017/S0003055420000775.
Basu, Anustup. 2020. “The Indian Monotheism.” Pp. 107-176 in Hindutva as Political Monotheism. Durham: Duke University Press.
Lee, Alexander. 2020. “Introduction.” Pp. 1-28 in From Hierarchy to Ethnicity: The Politics of Caste in Twentieth-Century India. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Udupa, Sahana. 2018. “Enterprise Hindutva and Social Media in Urban India.” Contemporary South Asia 26(4):453–67. doi: 10.1080/09584935.2018.1545007.
5. Ce que l’Inde nous dit de l’ordre du monde (sous-thème : multilatéralisme en Indo-Pacifique)
Date : 22/04/2024
Présentations : Gwendoline Dewulf et Romane Landmann
Kennedy, Andrew. 2011. “The International Ambitions of Mao and Nehru: National Efficacy Beliefs and the Making of Foreign Policy.” Pp. 10–40 in The International Ambitions of Mao and Nehru. Cambridge University Press.
Sullivan de Estrada, Kate. 2023. “India and Order Transition in the Indo-Pacific: Resisting the Quad as a ‘Security Community.’” The Pacific Review 1–28. doi: 10.1080/09512748.2022.2160792.
De Estrada, Kate Sullivan. 2023. “What Is a Vishwaguru ? Indian Civilizational Pedagogy as a Transformative Global Imperative.” International Affairs 99(2):433–55. doi: 10.1093/ia/iiac318.
Essa, Azad. 2023. “Hindutva and Zionism: A Story of Kinship.” Pp.66-83 in Hostile Homelands: The New Alliance between India and Israel. London ; Las Vegas, NV: Pluto Press.
Karmazin, Aleš. 2023. “Liquid Sovereignty: Theoretical and Analytical Approach.” Pp. 29-64 in Liquid Sovereignty: Post-Colonial Statehood of China and India in the New International Order. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
Mawdsley, Emma. 2023. “Introduction India as a ‘Civilizational State.’” International Affairs 99(2):427–32. doi: 10.1093/ia/iiad053.
Thakur, Vineet. 2021. “The Native Diplomat.” Pp. 1-18 in India’s First Diplomat: V.S. Srinivasa Sastri and the Making of Liberal Internationalism. Bristol: Bristol University Press.
Ganguly, Sumit and Manjeet S. Pardesi. 2009. “Explaining Sixty Years of India’s Foreign Policy.” India Review 8(1):4-19.
Mukherjee, Rohan. 2014. “Continuity and Change in India’s Foreign Policy.” Pp. 75–93 in Benny Teh Cheng Guan (ed.), Security and Foreign Policy in Asia. Singapore: World Scientific.
Basrur, Rajesh. 2018. “India and Pakistan: Persistent Rivalry.” Pp. 153–163 in Sumit Ganguly, Andrew Scobell, and Joseph Chinyong Liow (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Asian Security Studies, 2nd ed., second edition. Oxon; New York, Routledge.
Roy-Chaudhury, Rahul. 2018. “India’s perspective towards China in their shared South Asian neighborhood: cooperation versus competition,” Contemporary Politics 24(1):98-112.
Pardesi, Manjeet. 2021. “India’s China strategy under Modi: continuity in the management of an asymmetric rivalry.” International Politics:1-23.
Raghavan, Srinath. 2019. “The Security Dilemma and India-China Relations.” Asian Security 15(1):60-72.
Sen, Tansen. 2017 India, China, and the World: A connected History. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
Chaudhuri, Rudra. 2014. Pp. 1–10 in Forged in Crisis: India and the United States Since 1947. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014.
Madan, Tanvi. 2019. “The dragon in the room: the China factor in the development of US–India ties in the Cold War.” India Review 18(4):368-385.
Acharya, Amitav. 2017. East of India/South of China. Sino-Indian Encounters in Southeast Asia. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Jaffrelot, Christophe. 2003. “India’s look east policy: an Asianist strategy in perspective,” India Review 2(2):35-68.
Saint-Mézard, Isabelle. 2016. “India’s Act East policy: strategic implications for the Indian Ocean.” Journal of the Indian Ocean 12(2):177-190.
Khan, Raphaëlle. 2020. “Between Ambitions and Caution: India, Human Rights and Self-Determination at the United Nations.” Pp. 207–235 in A. Dirk Moses, Marco Duranti and Roland Burke (eds.), Decolonization, Self-Determination, and the Rise of Global Human Rights Politics. Cambridge University Press.
Raghavan, Srinath. 2014. “The United Nations and the Emergence of Independent India.” in Ian Shapiro and Joseph Lampert (eds.), Charter of the United Nations – Together with Scholarly Commentaries and Essential Historical Documents, Yale University Press.
Rajagopalan, Rajesh. 2020. “Evasive balancing: India’s unviable Indo-Pacific strategy.” International Affairs 96(1):75–93.
Scott, David. 2019. “India and the Indo-Pacific discourse.” Pp. 195-214 in Harsh V. Pant (ed.), New Directions in India’s Foreign Policy: Theory and Praxis. Cambridge University Press.
Roy-Chaudhury, Rahul, and Kate Sullivan de Estrada. 2018. “India, the Indo-Pacific and the Quad.” Survival 60(3):181-194.
Mukherjee, Anit. 2019. The Absent Dialogue: Politicians, Bureaucrats, and the Military in India. New York: Oxford University Press, 2019.
Narang, Viping, and Paul Staniland. 2012. “Institutions and Worldviews in Indian Security Policy.” India Review 11(2):76-94.
Hall, Ian. 2016. “Multialignment and Indian Foreign Policy under Narendra Modi.” The Round Table 105(3):271-286.
Abraham, Itty. 2008. “From Bandung to NAM: Non-alignment and Indian Foreign Policy, 1947-65.” Commonwealth & Comparative Politics 46(2):195-219.
Pardesi, Manjeet. 2015. “Is India a Great Power? Understanding Great Power Status in Contemporary International Relations.” Asian Security 11(1):1-30.
Sridharan, Eswaran. 2017. “Where is India headed? Possible future directions in Indian foreign policy.” International Affairs 93(1):51-68.
Gupta, Surupa, Rani D. Mullen, Rajesh Basrur, Ian Hall, Nicolas Blarel, Manjeet Pardesi, and Sumit Ganguly. 2019. “Indian Foreign Policy under Modi: A New Brand or Just Repackaging?.” International Studies Perspectives 20, 1-45.
6. Ce que l’Inde nous dit du néolibéralisme (sous-thème : politiques diasporiques)
Date : 06/05/2024
Présentations : NA
Elliott, Carolyn. 2016. “Clientelism and the Democratic Deficit.” Studies in Indian Politics 4(1):22–36. doi: 10.1177/2321023016634915.
Björkman, Lisa. 2014. “‘You Can’t Buy a Vote’: Meanings of Money in a Mumbai Election: ‘You Can’t Buy a Vote.’” American Ethnologist 41(4):617–34. doi: 10.1111/amet.12101.
Vaishnav, Milan. 2020. “5. Doing Good by Doing Bad: The Demand for Criminality.” Pp. 157–204 in When Crime Pays: Money and Muscle in Indian Politics, edited by M. Vaishnav. Yale University Press.
Piliavsky, Anastasia, and Tommaso Sbriccoli. 2016. “The Ethics of Efficacy in North India’s Goonda Raj (Rule of Toughs): The ethics of efficacy in North India’s.” Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 22(2):373–91. doi: 10.1111/1467-9655.12404.
Michael Auerbach, Adam, and Tariq Thachil. 2020. “Cultivating Clients: Reputation, Responsiveness, and Ethnic Indifference in India’s Slums.” American Journal of Political Science 64(3):471–87. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12468.
Berenschot, Ward, and Edward Aspinall. 2020. “How Clientelism Varies: Comparing Patronage Democracies.” Democratization 27(1):1–19. doi: 10.1080/13510347.2019.1645129.
Guyot, Lola. 2021. “‘If You Become a Slave Here, Do You Think They’re Going to Fight There?’ Tamil Diaspora Mobilizations and Host-Country Politics.” South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal (27). doi: 10.4000/samaj.7665.
Singh, Gurharpal, and Giorgio Shani. 2022. “Sikh Nationalism: From a Dominant Minority to an Ethno-Religious Diaspora.” Pp. 163–89 in Sikh Nationalism in the Age of Globalisation and Hindutva, 1997 to the Present, New approaches to Asian history. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press.
Jaffrelot, Christophe, and Ingrid Therwath. 2007. “The Sangh Parivar and the Hindu Dias- pora in the West: What Kind of ‘Long-Distance Nationalism’?” International Political Sociology 1(3):278–95.
Anderson, Edward T. G. 2023. “Neo-Hindutva’: Hindu Nationalism Goes Public.” Pp. 210-256 in Hindu Nationalism in the Indian Diaspora: Transnational Politics and British Multiculturalism. London: Hurst & Company.
Auerbach, Adam Michael, and Tariq Thachil. 2023. Ch.1. Pp. 1-40. Migrants and Machine Politics: How India’s Urban Poor Seek Representation and Responsiveness. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
Bussell, Jennifer. 2019. “Political Responsiveness in a Patronage Democracy.” Pp. 38-70 in Clients and Constituents: Political Responsiveness in Patronage Democracies. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Chatterji, Joya. 2023. “Migration at Home and Abroad: South Asian Diasporas.” Pp. 300-379 in Shadows at Noon: The South Asian Twentieth Century. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Copeman, Jacob, and Aya Ikegame, eds. 2014. “The multifarious guru.” Pp. 1-45 in The Guru in South Asia: New Interdisciplinary Perspectives. First issued in paperback. London New York: Routledge.
Harriss-White, Barbara, and Lucia Michelutti, eds. 2019. “South Asian criminal economies.” Pp. 335-389 in The Wild East: Criminal Political Economies in South Asia. London: UCL Press.
Lee, Joel G. 2021. “Missionary Majoritarianism: The Arya Samaj and the Struggle with Disgust.” Pp. 77-120 in Deceptive Majority: Dalits, Hinduism, and Underground Religion. Cambridge ; New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
Varshney, Ashutosh. 1995. “Democracy and the countryside.” Pp. 191-200 in Democracy, Development, and the Countryside: Urban-Rural Struggles in India. Cambridge [England] ; New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
Witsoe, Jeffrey. 2013. “Introduction: Democracy and the Politics of Caste.” Pp.10-29 in Democracy against Development: Lower-Caste Politics and Political Modernity in Postcolonial India. Chicago ; London: The University of Chicago Press.
7. Ce que l’Inde nous dit du populisme (sous-thème : langages du pouvoir)
Date : 21/05/2024
Présentations : Mireille Chan et Alexandre Siquier
Zia, Afiya Shehrbano. 2022. “Pious, Populist, Political Masculinities in Pakistan and India.” South Asian Popular Culture 20(2):181–99. doi: 10.1080/14746689.2022.2090679.
Brass, Paul R. 2011. “Chapter 1. An Indian Political Life.” Pp. 32–49 in Charan Singh and Congress Politics, 1937 to 1961, The politics of Northern India, 1937 to 1987. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications.
Wickramasinghe, Nira. 2022. “Mahinda Rajapaksa: From Populism to Authoritarianism.” Pp. 113–30 in Contemporary Populists in Power, edited by A. Dieckhoff, C. Jaffrelot, and E. Massicard. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Chakravartty, Paula, and Srirupa Roy. 2015. “Mr. Modi Goes to Delhi: Mediated Populism and the 2014 Indian Elections.” Television & New Media 16(4):311–22. doi: 10.1177/1527476415573957.
Martelli, Jean-Thomas, and Christophe Jaffrelot. 2023. “Do Populist Leaders Mimic the Lan- guage of Ordinary Citizens? Evidence From India.” Political Psychology pops.12881. doi: 10.1111/pops.12881.
Varshney, Ashutosh, Srikrishna Ayyangar, and Siddharth Swaminathan. 2021. “Populism and Hindu Nationalism in India.” Studies in Comparative International Development 56(2):197–222. doi: 10.1007/s12116-021-09335-8.
Bate, Bernard. 2009. “Speech in the Kali Yugam.” in Pp. 164-182 Tamil Oratory and the Dravidian Aesthetic: Democratic Practice in South India. New York: Columbia University Press.
Chowdhury, Nusrat Sabina. 2019. “Seeing Like a Crowd.” Pp. 63-94 in Paradoxes of the Popular: Crowd Politics in Bangladesh. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
Huacuja Alonso, Isabel. 2023. “Conclusion: Call to Me. Where Are You.” Pp. 201-206 in Radio for the Millions: Hindi-Urdu Broadcasting across Borders. New York: Columbia University Press.
Jaffrey, Sana. 2021. “Right-Wing Populism and Vigilante Violence in Asia.” Studies in Comparative International Development 56(2):223–49. doi: 10.1007/s12116-021-09336-7.
Martelli, Jean-Thomas. 2023. “Populist Careers as Autonomy-Making: A Longitudinal Ethnography of Political Entry in North India.” Polity 55(4):784–811. doi: 10.1086/726339.
Mohan, Deepanshu, and Abhinav Padmanabhan. 2023. “From ‘Pracharak’ to ‘Pradhan Sevak’: The Rise of Narendra Damodardas Modi.” Pp. 36-44 in Strongmen Saviours: A Political Economy of Populism in India, Turkey, Russia, and Brazil. Abindgon, Oxon ; New York, NY: Routledge.
Nehe, Börries and International Research Group on Authoritarianism and Counter-Strategies, eds. 2022. “Introduction.” Pp. 11-25 in Global Authoritarianism: Perspectives and Contestations from the South. Bielefeld: transcript.
Ray Chaudhury, Proma. 2022. “The Political Asceticism of Mamata Banerjee: Female Populist Leadership in Contemporary India.” Politics & Gender 18(4):942–77. doi: 10.1017/S1743923X21000209.
8. Ce que l’Inde nous dit des rapports de genre (sous-thème : l’anthropocène)
Date : 27/05/2024
Présentations : NA
Azim, Firdous, Nivedita Menon, and Dina M. Siddiqi. 2009. “Negotiating New Terrains: South Asian Feminisms.” Feminist Review 91(1):1–8. doi: 10.1057/fr.2008.54.
Wimpelmann, Torunn. 2015. “One Step Forward and Many to the Side: Combating Gender Violence in Afghanistan.” Women Studies International Forum 51.
Menon, Nivedita. 2009. “Sexuality, Caste, Governmentality: Contests over ‘gender’ in India.” Feminist Review (91):94–112.
Ray, Raka. 1998. “Women’s Movements and Political Fields: A Comparison of Two Indian Cities.” Social Problems 45(1):21–36. doi: 10.2307/3097141.
Banerjee, Sikata. 1996. “The Feminization of Violence in Bombay: Women in the Politics of the Shiv Sena.” Asian Survey 36(12):1213–25. doi: 10.2307/2645576.
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9. Ce que l’Inde nous dit des générations (sous-thème : activisme, urbanisme et digital)
Date : 10/06/2024
Présentations : NA
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